Home Forums WordPress Themes Trade User cannot edit ad, how to remove "Brand" from the "Ad form" Reply To: User cannot edit ad, how to remove "Brand" from the "Ad form"

Adnan Shawkat

Hi there,
To remove or make it non-mandatory you need to modify the ads submit template in your child theme so that you can make it not required.
About the my ads tab we don’t have option for pages of my ads. It’ll load by default the profile page. If you want to make it your way you need to customize it by hiring someone who can do it. As you know we don’t offer support for custom work but we do give our best if our customers get issue with the theme. Hope you can understand.
Lastly I’ve enabled the customer registration. You can do it simply by going to settings->general and then enable or disable registration on your site. Check the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/m6ujb7