• Trade – Price input issue


    hello, every time my visitors post an ad on the website and do not put (,) in the price/amount of the ad they are publishing it shows as million instead of thousand. for example https://betafone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-2019-04-07-at-6.05.34-AM.png

    please help activate it to show as thousand with or without (,)

    16 Replies
    Adnan Shawkat

    Hi there,
    Currently if you put 9000 in ads price it’ll show 9,000 after publishing. This is the way it’s prepared. I don’t know why it’s getting hard on your end. “,” is thousand separator & it works that way numerically. You don’t need any comma for thousands it’ll automatically put in there. Please let us know what’s the actual issue here currently we’re not getting your point here. What should be in there & what’s showing now please let us know.


    currently if i put it doesn’t show 9,000 instead it shows 9,000,000… that’s the problem i’m dfacing. i think its the way its being set. please help me with this issue..

    Adnan Shawkat

    I think you’ve used “,” as your decimal separator. Please update it within the theme option by which it’ll show perfectly. If you’re unable to do that please provide us a temporary admin access to your site so that we can have a look at it.

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    Adnan Shawkat

    It seems you’ve given decimal separator as “,” that’s why it’s loading with “,” & 3 extra 000. You should put “.” instead of “,”. Check the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/na3s6p


    hello but if an ad is made with out putting “,” for example putting 90000 as the price and publishing the ad, it shows as 90,000,000 after being published. why is this so. and also if you put 90,500 as the price in an ad the (500) doesn’t show up. it will only show as 90,000 instead of showing 90,500. please why is this so?

    Adnan Shawkat

    This is happening because you set “,” as decimal separator for which it’s rounding the amount. You should use “.” as decimal separator & “,” as thousand separator. It’ll automatically shape the amount. Like you’ve provided 3 numbers to set after a decimal place & “,” this sign as a decimal separator in that case if anyone puts 93000 then it’ll show like this 93,000,000 so this should be changed. You need to put “.” dot as decimal separator & “,” comma as thousand separator. Hopefully you’re understanding what I’m trying to say.
    No other customer has issues with the pricing except you as you’re setting the currency in a wrong way. Please set properly your currency that way it’d show perfectly.


    please can you help me set it that way as i sent a login information previously..

    Adnan Shawkat

    If you check your site now you’ll notice that I’ve changed the currency settings. Please check & let me know if it’s ok now or not. http://prntscr.com/nbb9zq


    hello, please its not okay..
    the price that was put in the ad is ₦90,500 check screenshot ––>>https://betafone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-2019-04-13-at-6.09.07-AM.png
    but what is showing now is ₦90.00 as shown in these screenshot –––>>https://betafone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-2019-04-13-at-6.09.17-AM.png ..
    its ought to be showing as ₦90,500 or maybe ₦90,500.00

    Adnan Shawkat

    Please give us a temporary admin access so that we can have a look at what’s going on with your side.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Adnan Shawkat

    Hey there,
    It seems it’s ok right now. Please check the site & let us know.


    hello, please is there how it can just be 90,000 instead of it being 90,000.00 whereby removing the (.00) i think it will be preferable that way…

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