• Proboxpack Menus

    [email protected]

    Is it possible to have more than one level of dropdown menus for this theme? If so, how do you do it?

    5 Replies
    Adnan Shawkat

    Hi there,
    Sorry your purchase code isn’t valid. Without valid purchase code we can’t give you any support.

    Thanks & Regards

    [email protected]

    I just bought this template. You don’t give support with it?

    I gave you the only purchase code I have. Is there a place on the website where I can post a review of my purchase experience?


    Hi There,
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Actually, a valid purchase code requires for after-sale support. Due to technical issues, your code was showing invalid. I have come to know that you have purchased from Wrapbootstrap Market.

    However, this theme supports multilevel dropdown menu. Only you need to copy to add your dropdown menu. You can follow the code (https://prnt.sc/qhgc6q)

    Then you need to add one line CSS in the main.css.

    CSS code is below-

    .tr-menu .tr-dropdown-menu .tr-dropdown-menu {
    left: 100%;
    top: 40%;

    Hope it will help you.


    [email protected]

    Thanks. I have another issue now.

    Someone with an android OS says that when he clicks on a menu link it just closes the page. It works fine for me using iOS.

    Can you check it out and let me know?

    URL is https://benebloc.com/abig


    Hi There,
    We have visited your website with an android device, the menu is working fine. We could not find any issue.


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