• Geek Template


    I purchased this template on wrapbootstrap last month, and didn’t realize that it was using Bootstrap3. I noticed that you have the template on your site and that it is compatible with Bootstrap4. Is it possible to get the new version at a discounted rate since I just bought it a month ago? I included my license info below. We are a non-profit and are using this for a school fundraising website. It is being integrated with an AngularJS website that is using BS4 and I believe that is causing some issues. You can reach me at [email protected]
    –Lara Foster

    Single License
    License ID: 9327ccc6-ff54-4c4f-b96f-9e52a0dfcead

    License holder: https://wrapbootstrap.com/user/larafoster
    Date: July 5, 2019

    Item: Geek – Resume & Portfolio Template
    Item#: WB0NR38X1

    License terms:
    1. Your use of the item is restricted to a single installation.
    2. You may use the item in work which you are creating for your own purposes or for your client.
    3. You must not incorporate the item in a work which is created for redistribution or resale by you or your client.
    4. The item may not be redistributed or resold.
    5. If the item contains licensed components, those components must only be used within the item and you must not extract and use them on a stand-alone basis.
    6. If the item was created using materials which are the subject of a GNU General Public License (GPL), your use of the item is subject to the terms of the GPL in place of the foregoing conditions (to the extent the GPL applies).

    Wrapmarket LLC

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